Not much to report from the property up north this Spring. In April, John purchased a Camp Shower Tent for our Zodi Camp Shower unit and set it up next to the cabin, on the unused tiles from the Gazebo, which we took down to make room for clearing the front and side yards around the cabin. He even built a little sidewalk to get to it from the Cabin porch.
We also, by request of brother Rob, built a 10x16 platform for under his big tent that he is bringing with him this year. We are planning a big get-together reunion of family and friends to celebrate my 50th birthday. So we are working madly, to get the camp ready for the big weekend. While my birthday is on Friday, August 13th, and yes we will be partying a little that night, we are having the big party day on Saturday, the 14th.
We have also begun work on the new Gazebo, which will be a rather large affair measuring 16 foot square on the main landing, roughly 3 feet off the ground, and having a step up to a 10 foot square situated on and hanging over the corner of the bigger platform. To this square, we will rebuild and recover the metal gazebo structure that we have stored away. Eventually, there will be a roughly 5-foot staircase off its back side that leads right down to the trail that goes over our little creek bridge.
Finally, we have 2 big 10-foot picnic tables to construct, and trails and clearings to mow to get ready for the big weekend. Much to do! Much to do!