Thursday, July 28, 2016

With Camporee just a couple of weeks away, I thought it would be a good idea to show off a little of the work we, David, April and I have been doing to clean up the compound and make it ready for the picnic.

Don't forget, we will be doing a hamburger and hotdog pre-picnic followed by a bonfire on Friday night, the 12th. Then on Saturday, I will be laying out the meats on the smoker (wild boar, beef and pork country ribs, turkey and polish sausage). Please feel free to bring a cold dish and your favorite beverages! Sunday, the 14th will be the clean-up party where whomever remains all pitches in to clean up and then partake of picnic left-overs.

Hope to see you all there!  Enjoy the video!

Friday, July 15, 2016


This year on August, 13th, I will be 56 years young. I have made a lot of changes in myself to prepare for "middle age", including bariatric surgery, which helped me to lose over 150 lbs and tuning up my health issues, like new glasses, dental updates, etc. This way, come Camporee time, I will be better able to participate and enjoy the festivities.

Yesterday, for an early birthday present, Mom and John got me a little red sports car. Of sorts. My very own personal red dragon. I call him, Franken-Grizzly (note the really bitchin' scar on the right-front fender down by the brake). Oh and yes, by the way in which he growls, he is most definitely male.

Thanks guys!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sparrow's Flight

Well, I know it's been a while, but we are still here and doing quite well. This year, I attempted to do a little "snow-birding" so as to be able to assist my mother while she undergoes knee surgery. As a result, I have been working right here from camp on a daily basis. Also, I have managed, without the influences and noise of all of the hustle-bustle of the city, to find the time to finish my first novel. It is called Sparrow's Flight and is the first installment in a series entitled "River Brooke Saga". Read my interview with the publisher (Smashwords) here, and please check out my book.